Sunday, September 02, 2012


I got super homesick one day this week and almost went home. It's hard being in a new place and not having a home. I've learned to look at homeless people in a new light, and understand them in a new way. I'm so thankful I have a place to stay until I have a home. It's been a hard week of disappointments, not finding a house or a job. I want a home so badly and I can't wait to finally unpack my car and get settled in! I know Layla is ready too but she loves people and the people we are staying with.

Moving here I didn't know that it would be so hard to find a home that allowed pets, and even though people have tried to explain it to me I still don't get it. My dog is awesome, and why wouldn't you want her in your home? I know I sound like one of those crazy pet owners but she is awesome! Everyone loves her! I have the greatest picture of her from when I woke up one day this week.

All in all we are getting used to things here, and have made a lot of new friends. I love my roommates and feel like God put us together in a way only He could, and found a new "drinking buddy". I've found there are some words that aren't used here, like:

Buggy (shopping cart)
Regular Coke (WTF is 'soda (J/K I know what it is...))
Parking Deck (It's a garage or a lot... )

I'm sure there is more but I'm so tired I can't think of anymore.

Georgia Plates, signing out!

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