Sunday, April 16, 2017

Dear body, 

You are a work of art. You've been pushed to the brink and have never given up. You have survived drinking all night, junk food binges, a tattoo, and more holes than I can count. You are marked with scars that tell the story of never giving up. You house a mind that is remarkable and a heart that is courageous.  You've broken bones and broken boards. You are no longer 21, but just as beautiful, if not more beautiful. Yes, you no longer fit in those jeans, but you are still amazing. You've run races, fought battles, and fallen. You've failed, but you have also won wars. You've taken a pounding, but you have never faltered. 

You do not fit the mold, but rather you redefine your worth. You're fearless and brave. You don't fit the world's standard of beauty, but you are breathtaking nonetheless. You've won State Champ, and can kick someone upside the head. You are not perfect, but your imperfections make you jaw dropping. My dear, your picture is beside the very definition of kick ass. Fear has no place in your world. 

You have self infected scars that tell the story of heartache and learning to love again. Your scars are not marked with shame but tell how far you have come. You have survived late nights, drunken fights, and cigarettes. And you are beautiful. There have been broken hearts, and all nighters. There have been nights where you've cried yourself to sleep. You've weathered both with style. You've made it up in the morning ready to fight again. You have redefined yourself, and learned from your mistakes. 

I have failed you, and hated you. I've wished for thinner thighs, and a smaller waist. I've hated you, and cursed you. I've forgotten that you have always shown up for the fight. I've abused you, and used you. I've not stood up for you, and have let others put you down. I'm sorry.  I'm sorry for the abuse, and self hate. I'm sorry for the times I've failed you, but I love you. I love your jiggles and squishy waist. I love those long legs, and killer eyes. I love your smile, those thighs, and scars.  You are unique and amazing. Simply breathtaking. 



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